Friday, October 22, 2010

Sherlock Holmes.

Sherlock Holmes
- Brilliant
- Untidy
- Good Detective

Lord Black
- Evil
- Tricky
- Cruel

Dr. Watson
- Helpful
- Wise
- Kind

I satisfied with the ending of Sherlock Holmes movie. Sherlock Holmes is very thorough when solving a mystery. He takes a second glance at tiny but significant details that others may overlook.

The House on Mango Street

The book I read was The House on Mango Street by Sandra Cisneros. The main character of the novel is Esperanza.

The novel is about, a young girl who looks at life from experience of living in poverty, where many do not question their experience. She is a shy, but very bright girl. She dreams of the perfect home, with beautiful flowers and a room for everyone. Before she moved to Mango Street she lived on Loomis on the third floor and before that house she lived on Keeler. When she moves to the house of Mango Street, reality is so different than the dream. The difference about the house on Mango Street and the ones before are that they don’t have to pay rent, there is no land lord bugging them for being loud. They also don’t have to share a yard with the people downstairs because no one lives down stairs it’s there house.

Based on the novel, the characteristic of the main character that related is do not like live in an apartment. As living in an apartment, there no yard that I can spend my time by helping my mother decorates the garden with beautiful flowers. Besides, my younger sister and brother love to play around my home yard.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010


SUBJECT-VERB AGREEMENT: Additional Practice 1[Logo]

From the choices provided after each sentence select a word that would correctly complete the sentence. Submit the form using the SUBMIT APPLICATION button at the end of the exercise. Your score will be returned to you in a few seconds.
Quizzes labeled "Practice Exercise" or "Additional Practice" are taken from the ancillary materials for Sentence Sense: A Writer's Guide, by Evelyn Farbman, and are used by the Guide for Grammar and Writingwith the kind permission of the book's author and the publisher, Houghton Mifflin.
1.  The piano as well as the pipe organ ____________ to be tuned for the big concert.

You're right!

2.  The mayor together with his two brothers ____________ going to be indicted for accepting bribes.

You're right!

3.  Neither of my two suitcases ____________ adequate for this trip.

The correct response is "IS"; "neither" is the subject, and "neither" is always singular.

4.  There ____________ a list of committee members on the head-table.

The correct response is "IS". Remember that with the constructions "There is" and "There are," the subject ("list," in this case) comes after the verb.

5.  Everybody in the class ____________ done the homework well in advance.

You're right!

6.  The jury ____________ their seats in the courtroom.

The correct response is "TAKE".

7.  Neither the teacher nor the students ____________ to understand this assignment.

8.  ____________ either my father or my brothers made a down-payment on the house?

You're right!

9.  Hartford is one of those cities that ____________ working hard to reclaim a riverfront.
HINT: Try starting the sentence with "Of those cities that . . . ."

The correct response is "ARE".

10.  Some of the grain ____________ gone bad.

You're right!

11.  John or his brother ____________ going to be responsible for this.

You're right!

12.  A few of the students ____________ doing so well they can skip the next course.

The correct response is "ARE"; "few" is always plural.

13.  Either the Committee on Course Design or the Committee on College Operations ____________ these matters.

You're right!

14.  One of my instructors ____________ written a letter of recommendation for me.

You're right!

Results: 9 Correct -- 5 Wrong -- 0 Skipped